
The Cochin Melting Pot


With less than 50% Hindus, and as much as 30% Muslims and 20% Christians in addition to minority religions such as Jainism and Buddhism, Kerala is India’s most religiously mixed state, and the best place to notice this may be Cochin, where the different religions display their distinct tokens on [...]

Water palaces in Alleppey


Alleppey, or Alappuzha, town is not noteworthy, and hardly the “Venice of India” that it is sometimes called by people who have never seen Venice. The reason it is so popular is its strategic location in the middle of Kerala’s backwater area, which makes it the main entry point for boat [...]

Kannur Beach: The nothingness of authenticity


Kerala welcomed us quite differently than Goa – with a demonstration. Just like Goa had revealed one of its typical characteristics right at the start, the demonstration was typical for Kerala’s profile as India’s most political state. Having been under communistic ruling for more than 30 [...]

The wonderful Goan bubble


We had just landed and were waiting for our bags, when a simple conversation with a young airport employee already revealed one difference between Goa and the rest of India. “So, you are coming for the festival?” The casual tone of his question was already a bit untypical, I thought. [...]

Warming up in Bombay


Freshly retired and suddenly benefiting from the otherwise rare combination of time and money, my mom had given me the task to organize a family holiday in India, a country that I had visited often enough to act as a tour guide. My favourite state Kerala was set, and I added Bombay for a city [...]

India Babble


Seit dem 5. November bin ich auf Reisen in Indien. Zu Indien habe ich mich ja eigentlich schon ausreichend geäußert. Ich kann mir aber trotzdem nicht verkneifen, einige Anekdoten mit euch zu teilen. Meine Reise fing in Chennai an, wo ich zwei Nächte und einen Tag mit Ramas Mutter verbrachte. Was [...]

Paradise lost: Munnar


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Munnar is a hill station that is one of the key centers of tea production in India, the other being the northeastern hill ranges. Hill valleys alternatively filled with the uniform green of the tea plantations and the many hued green of natural forests, Munnar has remained an important tea region [...]

Noch ein Lebenszeichen!


Liebe Leute, ihr beschwert euch zu Recht, dass ich hier schon seit Ewigkeiten nichts mehr geschrieben habe – entschuldigt! Mir geht es gut – keine Krankheiten, kein übermäßiger Stress. Ich würde sagen, dass ich angekommen bin. Trotzdem freue ich mich natürlich, im März wieder in [...]

Quarantänezonen im MDI


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Seit vielen Tagen schon fallen immer mehr Europäer diversen Erkrankungen zum Opfer, deren Verbreitung sich aufgrund der Nähe leider nicht vermeiden lässt. Die beiden populärsten Krankheiten sind derzeit Staphylokokken und ein grippaler, fiebriger Infekt, welcher symptomatisch dem Dengue-Fieber [...]